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1.125 Points
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Original work originated on canvas by size 100 x 150 cm. The perfect painting to create a contemporary style in the room, both modern and with a touch of luxury and affluence.
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about the artist
Under this name we collect original artworks by a variety of painters, both emerging and recognized. These works of art are aimed at a very creative public that is committed to the decorative aesthetics and that seeks to enhance their decoration space.
view full profilemore works from NOVOCUADRO ART COMPANY
114 x 83 cm | Mixed
90 x 70 cm | Mixed
53 x 53 cm | Mixed
90 x 70 cm | Carved
83 x 114 cm | Mixed
90 x 70 cm | Carved
90 x 70 cm | Carved
45 x 124 cm |
90 x 70 cm | Carved